Calumet Electronics Corporation
2007-2008: I helped update Calumet Electronics branding. I designed a templated series of capability sheets as the company began to gain a distinctive reputation in the industry.
Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity
2009, 2012, 2013: I photographed the fraternity’s Winter Carnival queen candidate and designed posters for their campaign.
Delta Zeta Sorority
2009-2010: I was hired to do the photography, layout, and printing of the composites for a local sorority.
Houghton Spring Art and Music Festival
2009–2011: I was asked to design a poster for the newly formed Houghton Spring Art and Music Festival. The “froggie” in this original poster became the 2-D mascot for the event for the years it ran in Downtown Houghton. I’m pretty proud of that little guy,
Dancing Through the Decades
2013: The Rotary Club of Houghton hosted the Rotary District Conference which spanned four days. One of the central events of the conference was a fundraiser in the Dee Stadium. Todd and I were both Rotarians. I provided marketing and design support while Todd lead the stage entertainment effort.
Baisikeli Ugunduzi
2014: I worked with John Gershenson and Ben Mitchell to help them polish two product package designs. They had strong branding guidelines already, including logo, color palettes, and fonts. All I did was follow their lead and produce something for them quickly without any hassle.
Eagle Mine
2014: I freelanced on a videography team to produce a commercial for Eagle Mine. The goal was to tell a story of respect. I was the storyboarder and creative director for the project.
U.P. Summer Fest
2017: This was another fundraiser spearheaded by the Rotary Club of Houghton. I made an attempt at giving the event a solid graphic presence but my time was too thinly spread and had to drop the project. I still like what I created.