This email launched the KYP organization, inviting folks from across the Keweenaw to meet at Bambu Asian Cuisine to share their ideas for an organization that serves the young professionals in the area.
An original illustration which lives on the website to this day.
I built the KYP website with WordPress using a theme, manipulating the CSS, and my own graphic elements.
In the first three years, a period of time when I was still involved in KYP, we put on somewhere around 100 events. Many events flyers followed a template developed early on. This was a fun deviation.
I worked hard in the beginning to pull a strong thread through all the activities and materials in and around KYP.
About 6 months into KYP’s existence, the amount of content in the text-heavy emails continued to grow. This lead into breaking the email into columns and more links to the website. I also started breaking up the email with image headers.
But even so, a cool sign makes it more fun.
This email launched the KYP organization, inviting folks from across the Keweenaw to meet at Bambu Asian Cuisine to share their ideas for an organization that serves the young professionals in the area.
An original illustration which lives on the website to this day.
I built the KYP website with WordPress using a theme, manipulating the CSS, and my own graphic elements.
In the first three years, a period of time when I was still involved in KYP, we put on somewhere around 100 events. Many events flyers followed a template developed early on. This was a fun deviation.
I worked hard in the beginning to pull a strong thread through all the activities and materials in and around KYP.
About 6 months into KYP’s existence, the amount of content in the text-heavy emails continued to grow. This lead into breaking the email into columns and more links to the website. I also started breaking up the email with image headers.
But even so, a cool sign makes it more fun.